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"Romeos - different from what you think"

Feature film 94min, Germany 2011, ZDF / cinema


writer & director: Sabine Bernardi
director of photography: Moritz Schultheiß
cast: Rick Okon, Max Befort, Liv Lisa Fries, Felix Brocke, Silke Geertz, Cassy Carrington, and many more.
commissioning editor: ZDF - Das Kleine Fernsehspiel Editor: Katharina Dufner
Production: Enigma Film & Boogie Film

funded by the Filmstiftung NRW
World sales: media luna
Distribution: pro fun media
Format: 35mm
Film format HD (SI-2k)
Filming period 21 days of shooting summer 2010
Theatrical release: 11/10/2011 Germany

DVD / VOD / theatrical release: USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Spain, Benelux


Lukas has just finished his coming out in the provinces and is starting his new life in the big city of Cologne. But as soon as he arrives at the civil dormitory, he ends up as the only boy in the nurses wing. After all, his best friend Ine lives there, who is now well integrated into the gay and lesbian scene in the cathedral city.
Unexpectedly, he finds himself in the middle of a new circle of friends and also his first flirt: with the extremely attractive macho Fabio. From the initial fascination of the unequal boys for each other more and more develops - until Fabio discovers Lukas' secret and now everyone is forced to risk something for their feelings ...





The young German cinema dares something. With ease, wit and great sensitivity, a topic is treated here that is still a certain taboo for society. (dpa)
Wide awake shining transromancy (...) (FAZ)
Turbulent, raw and wild shows Romeos Luke's struggle for independence. A remarkable film about contemporary youth culture, which includes sexual orientation difficulties. (Kölner Stadtanzeiger)
The gender blockbuster! (Harald Martenstein Tagesspiegel)
Sitting in the audience I could tell that people were really touched and moved by the characters, the humor, and the story overall. (OUTview Online)



Romeos screened at over 100 international film festivals worldwide

BERLINALE - Panorama Section (Premiere 2011)
Seattle IFF, USA
Stockholm International Film Festival, Sweden
Guadalajara IFF, Mexico
Mostra Fire !, Spain
Galway FF, Ireland
Frameline, USA
Queer Cinema Festival South Africa
Brisbane FF, Australia
Torino GLBT FF (Rome), Italy
Cologne Conference Film Festival, Cologne
Molodist IFF, Ukraine
MEZIPATRA Queer FF, Czech Republic
Taipei Golden Horse, Taiwan
Baden-Baden TV film festival
EXPOSED Film Festival Cologne
Biberach Film Festival
Queer strip Munster
EXGROUND film festival in Wiesbaden
FILMZ 2011 Festival Mainz
CINEPÄNZ Cologne Children's Film Festival
German Films Buenos Aires, Argentina
Slovak Queer FF Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Polychrome Zefestival LGTB, France
Vinokino GLBT FF, Finland
Tokyo Intl. GL FF, Japan
Mix Copenhagen LesbianGayBiTrans FF, Denmark
QUEER Film Festival Weiterstadt
Goethe Institute Hong Kong
Pink Screens FF, Belgium
Ljubljana GLBT FF, Slovenia
Chicago IFF, USA
German Films Madrid, Spain
Lesbian-Gay Film Days Karlsruhe - OPENING FILM
17th Queer Filmfest CHÉRIES-CHÉRI - PARIS “Best Feature Film”
Queer Film Festival, Bremen
PERLEN Queer Filmfest, Hanover - “AUDIENCE AWARD for the best feature film”
QUEER Filmfest Hamburg - CLOSING FILM
Turin GLBT FF, Italy
MixMilano FF, Italy
TranScreen, The Netherlands
Identities Queer Film Festival, Austria
Women's Director FF, Spain
Gaze Dublin LGBT FF, Ireland
Oslo Gay & Lesbian FF, Norway “Queer Youth Award - Best Feature Film”
Queer Lisboa, Portugal ”Competition entry”
Asheville Qfest, North Carolina, USA “Best Actor” (lead): Rick Okon - “Best First Time Director”: Sabine Bernardi
OutFlix FF, Memphis, USA - "Jury Award - Best Foreign Feature"
Honolulu Rainbow FF, USA “Best Feature Film”
Outfest, USA
Cinema Q, USA
Philadelphia Qfest, USA
Newfest, USA
Montreal World FF, Canada
South america
Indiefestival Bella Horizonte, Brazil
Indiefestival Sao Paulo, Brazil
Denver Film Festival2014 Nov. tilde - Festival Melbourne
ciné-débat du festival “Tous les genres sont dans la culture”, Bruxelles
Goethe Institute in Lyon
Goethe Institute in Delhi


ROMEOS  - Age rating FSK 12
ROMEOS received FSK 12 after our appointment!


This was preceded by a first decision on September 5, 2011, in which ROMEOS 2011 recommended release from the FSK for children aged 16 and over - with the following justification (excerpt): (...) the depiction of a completely one-sided world of homosexuality in the film could lead to a disorientation in lead to sexual self-discovery. The explicit depiction of gay and lesbian adolescents and their frequent partner changes can have a confusing effect on young viewers, even if the film is not shameful at the visual level and does not defame anyone. (...)


After protests against this discriminatory reasoning, the wording was changed, but the result remained.

Our rental company ProFunMedia and myself appealed against the changed reasoning and its existing age classification.

At the new meeting of the main committee  On December 28th, 2011 there was now a new result FSK12!

VISION KINO recommends Romeos for teaching
Info about Vision Kino






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